
Who’s planning to buy quality products with a high technological component surely have FNAC in mind.

Founded in 1954, FNAC has evolved into internet sales where, by now, has more than 44 subsidiaries around the world.

En los últimos años está desarrollando mucho más su catálogo y para diversificar ha apostado por el modelo Marketplace. Desde el primer momento que tomaron esta decisión, RSI ha estado para vender en FNAC deporte y progresivamente hemos ido creciendo en catálogo con ellos.

In recent years FNAC has been developing its catalogue much more and, in order to diversify, opted for the Marketplace model. From the first moment they made this decision, RSi has been there to sell on Sport department and progressively we have been growing with them.

Purpose: Offer to its enormous mass of customers the best products in a large number of categories of products.

Public: Gente de alto poder adquisitivo y amante de lo tecnológico. People with a high purchasing power and technology lover.


  • Belgium
  • France
  • Portugal
  • Spain