Online sales company belonging to the Metro group (Media Markt, Saturn, Makro, etc.)

You can work with them in Marketplace or retail mode. This means you can sell on Real or sell to Real. The fundamental difference is that, when you sell on real you control the price and your commercial policy. While if you sell to Real, they will decide the selling price for your product, a decision which may affect your pricing policy.

We work both ways, but fundamentally in the Marketplace mode which is in reality a dropshipping or “Marketplace Fake” model. And why do we call it like that? Because as any other Marketplace we publish the product, we determine the selling price but we do not bill the customer. Real generates a purchase with a discount on the retail price when the item is purchased by the customer.

Purpose: Compete with Amazon and taking advantage of the Metro group’s power.

Public: All online shoppers independently the age


  • Germany